Meet The Sunnydene Tutoring Teaching Team
Meet the Sunnydene Team

Name: Jeni
Teaching focus: Kent Test preparation
Super Power: Confidence boosting
Interesting Fact: I can write upside down!

Name: Amy
If you pop in to Sunnydene Tutoring to make an enquiry, you're likely to chat with Amy - so here she is...
Now you can put a face to the name!

Name: Penny
Teaching focus: Maths and English sessions for KS2 and 3. Kent Test preparation.
Super Power: Making maths accessible for children who find it difficult.
Interests: I love long walks by the sea with my family, puzzles and cats.

Name: Fiona
Teaching focus: English support for Year 6 and for Key Stages 3 and 4. Kent Test preparation.
Interesting fact 1: I can touch my wrist with my thumb!
Interesting fact 2: I was born in Sydney, Australia.
Name: Vanessa
Teaching focus: Primary English, primary maths, phonics and reading
Super Power: Making learning fun, fun and more fun!
Hobbies: I play the piano, and I love singing and walking my cockapoo, Loki.

Name: Mel
Teaching focus: Maths and English sessions for KS1 and LKS2.
Super Power: Building positive relationships and making learning enjoyable!
Hobbies: Crafting, reading, being out in nature and learning new things.
Name: Naomi
Teaching focus: Primary English and maths sessions
Superpower: Building relationships and making learning fun.
Interesting fact: I live on a 125 year old Dutch Barge and love creating treasure books and junk journals.
As well as expert tuition, Naomi is also able to offer Drawing & Talking Therapy.

Name: Hannah
Teaching focus: Primary English and maths sessions

Name: Ros
Teaching focus: Primary maths, English, phonics and reading for children from Reception to Year 4.
Interesting fact: I completed the 3 Peaks Challenge, which means I climbed Ben Nevis, Scafelll Pike, and Snowdon within 24 hours, despite being terrified of heights!
Hobbies: I can play several instruments including piano, cello, recorder and ukulele.
Superpower: Building relationships, boosting confidence and making learning enjoyable.
Name: Richie
Teaching focus: English and maths support for children in Year 2, 3 and 4.
Hobbies & interests: running, hiking, spending time in nature, photography, music, going to gigs and festivals.
Interesting facts: I'm vegan, I love cake, I love dogs, I'm learning to play the piano, I've lived in Colombia and Spain, and I speak Spanish very badly!

Name: Kate
Teaching focus: Maths support for pupils in Years 7 to 11
Super Power: I will make you enjoy Algebra!
Interesting fact: I play the trombone! I once had to try not to slip playing it whilst walking across the ice on Dancing on Ice!

Name: John
Teaching focus: Science support for GCSE physics, chemistry, biology and combined science. A' level support also offered.

I also have links with other local tutors who may be able to offer support if none of the tutors on my team have availability, and I'll be happy to share their details if I'm not able to organise sessions for you directly.

Name: Liza
Teaching focus: Primary maths & English
Based in Faversham
Name: Becky
Teaching focus: Reading
Based in Dunkirk, near Faversham