Thank you to those of you who have paid invoices for next term's sessions. I've seemingly caused some confusion - apologies! I have a new bank account, the details of which are on the most recent invoices that I sent. If you have already paid, and you've paid using the bank details that you've used previously, please don't panic; I'll simply transfer your payment to my new account. However, if you haven't yet paid, and you'll be paying by bank transfer, please use the bank details that are at the bottom of the invoice you received last week.
This week's sessions will be the last of this term. We'll be continuing last week's non-verbal and spatial reasoning week this week, and if I identify any difficulties in these areas, I'll send an email at the end of the week to let you know that a bit of extra work in these areas will be needed.
I hope you're able to enjoy the half-term break. Please continue to encourage weekly tasks from each of the 5 practice books that you have at home now. More than this is great - in something resembling an equal balance - but one a week from each book should be a minimum target.
I won't post next Monday, so please check back on Monday 10th June for my next update.