This week's session & homework
Our focus during this week's session will be on non-verbal reasoning, although we'll be starting by marking last week's verbal reasoning homework and addressing any areas of difficulty.

Today's non-verbal reasoning work will be introductory in nature, with me showing the children the 3 foundation question-types in this area of the Kent Test and highlighting the elements we need to be checking when we're looking at any non-verbal reasoning questions. You'll find these elements noted on the 'What to look for' sheet in the non-verbal reasoning section of your blue folder. We'll also be working on rotation, reflection and patterns (with some colourful 'counters' that the children will be bringing home after the session!).
Observation skills are key when we consider non-verbal reasoning, meaning that a very low-key (but valuable) way for the children to start to practise these types of questions is for them to complete 'spot the difference' puzzles. Some puzzles, to be completed as part of this week's homework please, can be found at:
Also for homework this week, please take a look at the spelling list in the English section of your child's blue folder, and the maths vocabulary sheet in the maths section. These should be referred to and worked through as we progress through the year, with known spellings ticked on the spelling sheet and known maths terms ticked on the maths sheet. Please revisit these sheets through the year, with the target of having all the items ticked by the end of the summer term.
A couple of reminders
This week's sessions will be our last of this term. There won't be sessions during next week's half-term break. I hope you're able to enjoy the half-term holiday.
Invoices for next half-term were sent last Friday, with payment due by Thursday of this week to secure your child's space for after the half-term break. If your invoice hasn't appeared in your inbox then you may need to retrieve it from your junk mail folder.
Next term will begin on Monday 30th October and will end on Friday 15th December. There will be sessions available during the Christmas holiday and details of these will appear in a post shortly after the start of next term.
Please continue to encourage daily reading throughout the half-term break and play the games from your Challenge Booklet during the holiday too. I'll be giving the children their Puzzle Booklet during our first session after half-term but the games from the Challenge Booklet remain relevant and useful.
I won't be posting next week, but please check back during the first week of the new half-term for my next post.
Thanks Jeni! Have a lovely half term!